Greenhills Shamble Result
Today we kicked off the season with a shamble, changing things up from our usual texas scramble season opener with a format we have never played before. I think everyone agreed it was a good fun team event and one we may bring back for next season. Some great scores posted with team Laird, Morrow and Hollywood taking the honours and jumping to the top of this years Money Winners list.
I Laird,A Morrow,D Hollywood : 78 net 48
M Smith,D McDonald,P Boyd : 59 net 50
B Lennox,F Campbell,D Lundie : 78 net 51
T McGuire,G Meek,J Fitzpatrick : 86 net 58
S McGrory,J McGrory,C Odonnel : 78 net 59
P Lewis,B Gaffney,sDocherty : 70 net 59
J Quinn,J Quinn,C Quinn : 63 net 61
Greenhills golf club
Greenhills golf club east kilbride